they re all drug runners carrying big loads of illegal drugs. that s who the hispanic people in this country are. that s what he s saying. how do you say, that was just a bad day on steve king s king s ? it s amazing, isn t it? i think he s taken on the mantle from top ten credo from being the most anti-immigrant american in congress. he uses this language all the time. you served in the congress. you know there are 300 members of congress. it s a cross section. you know people say crazy things, things that are offensive. but that doesn t typify the republican congress. let me go to steve for a minute. i served the congress, i didn t serve in the congress. i did have a nice job. you did. here s the thing would a democrat survive 24 hours after saying something like that? no. here s what s amazing to me. the fact he survives at all. i went to university of iowa law