extraordinary work that mark has done in helping to organize this. king alexander and the people of the net he they are lands, your hospitality has been remarkable. your organization has been flawless, to all the people who were involved in putting this together, including those who were putting up with the traffic that cause, i want to say thank you. i m told there is a dutch word that captures this spirit which doesn t translate exactly into english but let me say that my first visit to the netherlands has been truly, hosellic. i convened the first nuclear security summit in washington four years ago because i believed that we need a serious and sustained global effort to deal with one of the greatest threats to international security and that s the specter of nuclear terrorism. we made further progress at our
princess cruises, come bacnew. houston more can we endure and how stupid can people be? really first of all the technical problems and then we learn the web site wasn t technically translated for the spanish version. now bring on the excuses. it was a soft launch of the site and a lot of work spent going back and forth and making changes so that the language was more culturally appropriate. people we worked with a lot of the outreach groups and advocacy groups saying, you know, this doesn t translate so well. there is still kind of a mixture it of english and spanish. back again our panel nina easton of fortune magazine susan ferrechio, rick klein of abc news. rick, i mean, can t they find anybody to speak spanish and do it correctly? i mean, really? this is spanish 101. the other thing is it s spanish.
conversation, doesn t translate into the implementation of actual legislation. yeah. or getting things done. republicans will still look at anything coming from the other 1600 pennsylvania avenue as an anath ma and don t want to touch it. harry reid is going to look across the aisle at mitch mcconnell and friends and scoff at their unwillingness to cooperate and work while putting, you know, things on the table that he knows republicans aren t going to go for. so so you still have the poison in the well there. where are the glimmers of hope in terms of legislation that bipartisan efforts that will move our country forward. none in this but none in the cycle. talk about the glimmers of hope, though wait a minute, al immigration. 14 republicans al, we couldn t get gun control done. that was awful. something everybody agreed on. i would pathetic. they can get some things done but that obscures a larger
everybody has a quality. so for him that translated into marriage. for those of us who believe god defines what marriage is, that doesn t translate. the president had said that he was evolving on the subject. and there was sort of indications people thought they knew where he was coming. but do you think from talking to him that it was simply his personal experience that took him to this place or do you think it was a political decision? well, i was, i told him the way it came out and he has said that he was kind of prompted into this decision by the biden announcement and so when you re in that office, it s always political. but that doesn t mean it s devoid from a sense of personal responsibility and personal morality the way you take it.
we actually plan some clear and obtainable objectives. it might surprise you that you plan that mission. when you execute, you re not flying bit seat of your pants, you re executing on a plan you formulated. susan. on a practical level, what would you tell human resources people to look for or veterans who want to apply on their resume how to translate those skills in the military? often you meet people who said, i ve done x, y and z in the military, but it doesn t translate a finance person is going to look and say, what does that mean? so how do you translate that? it s difficult to translate, and people do have trouble transitioning. transitioning to wall street was difficult. but what you learn in the military, the discipline does translate. but how do you explain to somebody, this is what i can do as a veteran and this is what i can do for your organization? veterans are people of