investigation, either end an investigation or start an investigation. all right, i want to bring in bill mccollum now to discuss all of this. he is florida attorney general and one of of the impeachment managers who represented the case of bill clinton to the senate. bi bill, good to see you. good to see you. what is your opinion of how the republicans will use the transcript in the hearings? we hear it like a mantra, read the transcript, but doesn t the transcript incriminate the president, who says, do me a favor, though? isn t that quid pro quo? i don t think it is myself, but whatever you think of t iit it s a question that s been there all along, which is what is the motive of the president, was there anything criminal here? i don t think there s anything criminal, certainly not in the four corners i keep hearing from the lawmakers the word bribery and democrats will say this is