press. so to my friends in the press, i will certainly take that to heart. in case the text of romans 12 doesn t spring to mind, it urges us to use the gifts we have been given. if it is to show mercy, do it chiefly. a different part of the bible coming to mind. the one of daniel and the lion s den as bernie sanders heads to lynchburg, virginia. he is said to speak to the conservative christian liberty university. that is certain to be a more skeptical crowd than the ones he faced over the weekend. and three big events in south carolina. crowds cheered sanders proposals, including the more than doubling the national minimum wage. the federal minimum wage of 7 continue to $
punxsutawney phil who did not see his shadow, rick, this morning. we like that. did you see yours? i saw mine. if the groundhog sees his shadow 6 more weeks of winter is on the way but if he doesn t spring will come early. adrien green from accu-weather. hello? punxsutawney phil did not see his shadow which does mean an early spring. his track record not the greatest. according to the predictions they have only been correct 39 percent of the time. if you remember last year we had 6 more weeks of winter expected but we had the record warmest march. we have wintery weather across the plains. still falling from grand ports down into the sue falls area.
everybody goes to clinics, hospitals and doctors. some people go to planned parenthood but you don t have to go to planned parenthood to get your cholesterol or blood pressure checked. if you want an abortion you go to planned parenthood. that s well over 90% of what planned parenthood does. jon kyl is a well-respected senator, especially on the republican side of the aisle where he s part of the leadership team and many republicans prefer his television style of presenting the republican case over mitch mk connell s. time magazine named him one of the ten best senators in 2006. when you say the word jon kyl in the senate the word liar doesn t spring to mind. everyone will tell you he s a nice guy. i don t think he is a liar but he did just tell a horrible lie that abortion services are more than 90% of what planned parenthood does. i believe jon kyl has been lied to by fanatical enemies of planned parenthood who hate the idea that the word รง planned