the pentagon but maybe the public doesn t get to know all the detail shlgs but they deserve basic details. four americans were killed in dapg rouse operation. one soldier, his body was left behind for two days. if the senate armed services committee chairman can t get basic information and he ll get information that none of us should see, we have a problem here. i think that s right and i think you know, despite the back and forth very unfortunate and unseemingly phone calls, the reality here is what s important i believe or the most important is what happened on the ground in niger. and yes, there is a pentagon review of this, but the white house has been unusually silent about this. and the president, we are told had a draft statement after politico reported this and we confirmed it that he had a draft statement on his desk that he was going to release the day after when there were three dead for sure and did not release it. the white house decide d not to release it. sarah sanders
stabilize the obamacare marketplace. he asked lamar alexander to broker the deal, then yesterday, the president tweeting he d against it, but now this, about an hour ago, from a frustrated sounding senator alexander. i talked to the president last night for the fourth time in ten days on the subject. he encouraged me as he has from the beginning to proceed with this. he said he s perfectly willing to consider it. he doesn t want insurance companies to be bailed out in his words. neither do we. help me? i mean, he clearly, the president you know, has been consistent on saying if we can t get anything, we ll work with democrats on this. so he has talked about a bipartisan bill a lot. i was in the pool spray yesterday when he was meet wg the senate finance committee. he said you know, he s for some type of agreement, but doesn t want to boil oail out the insur
bullet point, rebutting donald trump on issue after issue, including the foundation of the trump presidency. mr. trump s promise to turn inward and put america first. we should not be blind to the economic and social dislocations caused by globalization. people are hurting. they re angry. and they re frustrated. we must help them, but we cannot wish globalization away. anymore than we could wish away theory sullivagriculture or indl revolution. one strength of free societies is their ability to adapt to economic and social disruptions and that should be our goal. with us to share their report ing, margot from bloomberg. jeff, michael warren of the weekly standard and a remarkable speech. remember, george bush doesn t speak in public often.
the former republican president deciding i m told after months of think iing ant this, to delir a very lengthy speech. doesn t mention donald trump. listen here. donald trump, you think about how he came to power, a new domestic nationalism. the president says be careful. we ve seen our discourse degraded by casual cruelty. at times, it could seem like the forces pulli ining us apart are stronger than the forces binding us together. argument turns to animosity. too often, we judge other groups by their worst examples. while judging ourselves by our best intentions. forgetting the image of god we should see in each other. we ve seen nationalism distorted in the nativism. remarkable to hear from him any way.