ghang bang related violence which isn t a surprise because you are bringing part of the black market out of the shadows and into the regulated place. doesn t mean we aren t going to have heroin on demand and that drugs aren t still wrapped up in serious epidemics involving deriv driving and other issues we care about as society. but yeah i do think it changes some of the politics ofem crime. thanks for being here. still to come the comcast/time warner deal is off. obviously we wanted to bring the product we ve got that we re proud of to new markets but it is not going to happen. and our round table is here. and amazing pictures from chile where a volcano that s been quiet more than 42 years erupts. shooting ash six miles into the
budget committee voted for this, which really ends medicare for future seniors. it ends it as we know it. it gives people a voucher that s limited in how much it is and it doesn t do anything to reduce costs. what it does is shifts the costs onto the backs of our future seniors. for medicaid is basically says governors can make the choice in how they spend those dollars. they don t want to pay nursing homes for the care of our most frail elderly. that s not acceptable to most americans. it s certainly not acceptable to many of us in congress. doesn t mean we aren t serious about reducing costs, getting greater efficiencies in medicare in looking at both the spending side and revenue side. to be able to protect medicare, not just for seniors today, but for seniors in the future. congresswoman allyson schwartz, thank you for your time. i m joined by robert reich, the former secretary of laborer under president clinton.
also, the everglades can handle some of that surge. but the surge would come up into the naples area out towards fort myers, eventually towards tampa as well. that doesn t mean we aren t going to get a lot of storage, still, across the miami area. probably 5-10 feet here. get a look at this. that light that white? major hurricane force winds across sunday. sunday morning sometime in the time frame we will see landfall. bret: rick, looks like the eyes bigger. that s a big problem for a lot of those areas. i want to ask you about who was a because people are asking, what s happening after this? jose doesn t look like it will have any impact across the u.s., that s good news. the problem is it s cat 4 hurricane that s coming for the lesser antilles, the location that just got hit by and went at its peak. about four days ago. or two days ago.
watch. i believe we are safer, but that doesn t mean we aren t concerned about the break-down in in order in this reege region generally. and now they don t want instability to spread further into the region. obviously the situation in yellen is a dangerous one. there continues to be ongoing security cooperation between the united states and the national security infrastructure of the hadi government. that cooperation would be more effective if there were u.s. personnel in the country. with so much unraveling in yemen and the rise of isis across the country, led s bring in gideon rose the author of the foreign affairs e book the isis crisis. so the president told us yemen was a success story and it doesn t appear that way now. how did the situation there get so bad and how does this affect american security right now? well the yemen, as the