trump as a party of one and not the leader of the gop party let alone leader of the free world? you saw, of course, the republican senators, members along with democrats responded to what president trump had to say about mika brzezinski and morning joe . democrats and republicans feel compelled to talk about how the tweets don t help. at the same time for president trump he sees it as maybe his most popular his most powerful weapon. with a single tweet he can change the course of the discussion for the day even if it doesn t help policy. he can change the course of discussion for a day. he can distract from discussion that may not be going in the direction he wants it to go. it s a powerful tool for him. he can use the power of the tweet to really control the conversation. right. it s not helping right now from a policy standpoint.
down on policy if he s so fair weather to seeking a win? i m suspicious if the president knows any details about the senate policy, the health care policy and what s in the bill. i think it was illustrated by the fact he celebrated the passing of the house bill and then called it mean. he had a different opinion about it between those events. it s too late to repeal and replace later. the problem is it will be disruptive to the market and since the insurance sends the insurance companies all the wrong signals. insurance companies price on risk and uncertain. the higher the uncertainty and risk the higher the premiums. what the congress and president are doing is inserting so much uncertainty that it s going to drive the prices up or drive more people out of the market which will drive the prices up. they ve got to figure this out. the only way to do it now is to
public records request. the issue is causing unease. and the foundation of what it was supposed to do is a mystery. you make a good point. sarah, thank you for making time for us. thank you. a challenge to the president s travel ban and what it can mean now the policy is in effect and coming up in our next hour former republican congress member pete hoekstra. are the tweets getting in the way of white house support and the agenda?
casey cas case i am the leader. trump is not reliable. trump is invited to bastille day the following week. there are tensions there. we don t have an ambassador in germany. we will see if that happens or not this week. not having a house is emblematic in the different way of grenfell tower being emblematic. that is a state department function. if you cannot fill the positions, you cannot influence policy. those are the nuts and bolts abroad. so, nicky woolf, i won t try to explain it. it is a vote of confidence. they support the queen s speech. for the american audience, it matters who runs great britain. if theresa may or is it sdadavi
chris cobach spoke with my colleague ali velshi why they are requesting voter data and social security numbers. they are requesting what you can request walking into the office and get. why not look at the data. it is publicly available. show the american public how significant the issue is. it is fact finding. so there is a lot going on in politics. joining me now is sarah westwood. you have a new article out of trump s tweets unnerve republican allies. we have more with republicans and democrats in policy and issues of trying to govern. we look at many controversies of the president launched via twitter, what do you make of these inside the republican tent? trump s tweets came at an