so, just as the republicans are applauding their comeback we re talking about the gops women problem. huckab huckabee s in particular. rick, how much damage does this do to the party? and does mike huckabee have a point that he said it before but now he s getting flack for it. what s the difference? look, i think the only way it s going to hurt the gop is if they over react to it. if you listen to what mike huckabee said he said that the gop stands for a war for women. and he used hiyberbole. if he turn what he said into something that he did not say, i don t know how that hurts anybody. i mean, mike huckabee doesn t have a massagistic bone in his body. my wife and daughter made over 800 phone calls for mike huckabee in iowa and my wife wouldn t put up for anybody like that. why would priebus come out and say, we ve got to watch our words. this is what we re talking