way out of it see, and i guess this happened in one other case like this, is maybe there s so much negative publicity around this, that he s able to sell it back, we can sort of all forget that it happened in the first place. is there any possibility of that happening? folks were calling for, you know, different foundations to come step in, like the gates foundation which works in hiv and infectious disease to come in and undercut this guy and make this drug. but there are questions about how widely distributed this drug can be, so generic drugmakers could potentially come in and make copies of it. when you have this kind of monopoly on the system is there the possibility of a generic drug? there could be the possibility of a generic drug, because this drug was approved in 1953, so it doesn t have patent protection anymore. but there s a question of is there enough of this drug that can get distributed freely enough for generic drugmakers to come and make a copy of it to sell.