of undocumented aliens. mostly at the border, mostly a turnaround situation. everyone they turned around was counted as a deportee.un the president can say, don t tell me i m lax on immigration. i deported this many people. however, they looked the othere way for eight years, and now this should be embarrassing to president obama. his attorney general for six years is now signed on to help sanctuary cities. should be embarrassed. it s amazing you see rahm emanuel come out and say, i will do everything in my power to defend these people. california. bill: people shot dead in the street in record numbers. so no common sense here. there is a political narrative i think they are trying to getet . bill: you can never win that argument. the final point about eric holder is, i like him in this role because i think he was playing politics at the ag, which i didn t like. i think this is a proper suiting of his temperament. but it s still a continuation of politics. at least it s b
they are trying to feed the narrative that trump is going to be anti-immigrant. so they re trying to scare the gardeners, scare everyone. bill: this has been going on long before trump. now they have a chance to work it. i think that s what you re saying. president-elect trump has ran on the promise that he will be the enforcer. sanctuary cities, i don t like them. i want to be clear about that. i am a person of the law. i feel like the federal law deports criminals for a reason. i ve seen them.nt i have represented clients. you ve got to go to icece becaue you were convicted. i will say this. if i m a progressive person, i have these reasons to say it s a broken immigration system and these people shouldn t be victims. but that argument doesn t flush, bill. what we are seeing is an increase of crime, violent crime in these scenarios. that can t happen. bill: here s what i don t understand. the obama administration deported a lot of people, a lot
repairs, unqualified mechanics and poorover sight are not unusual. the federal aviation administration saying it sets, quote, exceptionally high bar, unquote torques maintain the required level of the safety. with me, a former faa senior official, scott brenner. how reliable do you think this study is and if accurate, how worried should we be. there s terminology that s inflammatory. they use the word unairworthy as at least in the study, it gives the reader the idea the plane is ready to fall out of the sky. that s not the case. any time they find any problem, even though it has no impact onen safety of flights, they ll flag it as unairworthy. let me stop you. it s if a toilet that doesn t flush, it s unairworthy.