he determines that blinken who is his long, time aide, he s said. i m surprised there s not been other resignations. this was horrible from the intelligence knowing that the taliban was gaining this to the implementation. you saw secretary blinken say we inherited a deadline but we didn t inherit a plan as far as withdrawal. that doesn t cut it, neil. they inherited a deadline, negotiated with conditions based negotiations as pointed out by the republicans of may 1. but then they renegotiated that deal to make it september 11th. they renegotiated it. in the interim, they didn t come up with a plan about how to get americans and other people out by that date. which is what led to the situation that we saw. neil: i ve always wondered about that. you think about it, bret.
this could not happen and weeks later it s happening. what went wrong? we are speechless at how badly this administration has done. sandra: what went wrong? there was an agreement it was time to take the troops out. i will be honest. i waivered on this a bit. sometimes it made sense. get our troops out. my sentiment has been make a clear objective or get the troops out. having us there so every mid-terms election we can send 10,000 more there that doesn t cut it. we allowed the politicians to move the goal posts.
under president biden, our allies are starting to trust the u.s. to lead and the effort as they pertain to fighting for democracy and stability, not just here but all over the world. so we have to try. what is the alternative? let s not politicize this. let s come together. i agree with the comments that maria had to make to me coming on. i think it s great to hear that she wants to work with the president. let s do that. because what we have seen is, cubans are asking for our support. let s do that together. what we can t do is blame anyone except the communist regime that has been a failed government in cuba. neil: congressman, thanks very much. going alone doesn t cut it. trying to establish relations, barack obama didn t that and didn t cut it. there has to be a solution somewhere. congress woman, thanks again.
figures don t give support to anyone s theory of paranoia. this is 5% of the crimes, it doesn t cut in the direction the mainstream media reports almost every time. we are going to talk about this fringe topic at all. so i make this point, it is saying there s an epidemic of white cops or white people attacking black people, we can all call out cases where that indeed did occur or may have occurred but that simply is not the reality of the country and presenting it as though it is hurts race relations pretty seriously. tucker: there are a lot of reasons to be very distressed about higher education in the united states, most of it is garbage but there are rare bright spots and maybe the brightest of all is a professor at of all places, brown university called glenn of mowry. glenn lowry is really smart, a very clear thinker and in glenn lowry s vision, things that are
actual figures don t give support to anyone s theory of paranoia. this is 5% of the crimes, it doesn t cut in the direction the mainstream media reports almost every time. and if we are going to talk about this fringe topic at all. so i make this point, it is saying there s an epidemic of white cops or white people attacking black people, we can all call out cases where that indeed did occur or may have occurred but that simply is not the reality of the country and presenting it as though it is hurts race relations pretty seriously. tucker: there are a lot of reasons to be very distressedy about higher education in the united states, most of it is garbage but there are rare bright spots and maybe the brightest of all is a professor at, of all places, brown university called glenn lowery. glenn lowry is really smart, a very clear thinker and in glenn lowry s vision, things that are