and family. so i would argue it s not the i love you that doesn t last, it s the feeling of love that does. once you say it after that first time, that s when it weighs less than the raiders are the huskies winning. dr. siegel: i think it s combined. being with your family, rooting for your team. i actually love the knicks. the last time they were in the finals, i was there. we are pining away in new york. we don t have a chance, we have a terrible team and we lost a lot of love. lisa: am i the only one who would rather have the words of affirmation? [laughs] i d rather have someone say i love you that have a team win. kennedy: nothing spells i love you like winning. [laughter] lisa: it depends on the person and the delivery. before i left new york i had i had to tell homeless people yelled very nice things to me. when they are on drugs or in your face, it doesn t land. so the person and the delivery matters. emily: let s qualify this. first, it s a bunch of british peo