Can we trust any man? That’s the burning question I’m left with after tonight’s episodes of The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City. Viewers are already well-versed in Meredith’s tense separation from Seth and Heather’s divorce and Mary’s … situation. The ugly parts of the other Housewives’ marriage, though, haven’t been as obvious. This episode changes that, as we learn lots of concerning details about the other cast member’s marriages.
So, seriously, are any of the Housewives thriving at home? Maybe Whitney and Justin, who seem to be enjoying belly-button slurping debauchery and sex every weekday. Justin even gets supportive husband points for being a big fan at Whitney’s first fashion show. But even then, Whitney has alluded to some unnamed problems in their marriage plus, that swingers allegation is still in the air, mostly unaddressed. Are these women okay? Do we need to stage an intervention? I’m concerned!