Freddy speaks to pollster Cliff Young about Biden’s recent gains. Is Florida becoming more of a swing state again? Does Robert F. Kennedy Jr. take more votes away from Biden or Trump? And how much pressure do pollsters feel to get things right?
We come to you bearing excellent news: Baseball season is close closer than you think and we can prove it. Our season preview series, division-by-division every week, has already begun, and when we are done, the season will be here. That’s soon.
So far, we have looked at the American League East and the National League West. Today, we tackle the American League Central. Our previews will look at four pressing questions for each club heading into the 2021 season. At the end, we ll make some actual predictions on the final standings predictions that are unassailable and so obviously ironclad that we re a little worried you won t even bother to watch the actual games once you read them. We are willing to assume such a risk.