britain concluded that in the judgment of this high level inquiry brought by the british government, they concluded that it was probably the case that the assassination of that russian dissident in the uk s directly oered by vladimir putin. it s a big enough deal when your political opponents regularly turn up in jail or dead in your home country, when it comes to russian dissidents, though, when it comes to people who the russian intelligence services want did, russia has not been bound by its own national boundaries. in at least two high-profile instances in britain, russian intelligence is believed to have killed dissidents on british soil. yesterday we learned an ex-british spy, a russian-speaking former mi6 agent who created that unverified dossier of supposed russian dirt on donald trump, yesterday we learned that ex-british spy has disappeared. we showed a little of this type
whether it was something she probably could have done to protect her father even more. we re still trying to digest this because we re a bit paralyzed after hearing the news. she s a wonderful, i say baby. even though she s 15, she s still a baby. and our prayers go out to her and the jackson family because this is never to hear about a suicide attempt, bullying, any of those things that are prevalent now in the u.s. is never good news to hear, but i d like her to know that her father loved her very much. she has an extended family, and i just think that she needs to know that he had a plan for her. michael jackson would sit down and talk to me for hours about his children and his vision for his children, and here was a little girl who a doered her father to the point that, as i said earlier in an interview,
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