In a heart-wrenching incident, a septuagenarian woman in Kolkata was found staying with her daughter's body at home for around five days, police said.The dead woman has been identified as Doel Basu, 32. Her mother Dipali Basu, who had been .
Dipali Basu, who had been staying with the daughter`s body at their residence at Ranikuthi in south Kolkata, has been taken by the police to Calcutta Medical College & Hospital for mental and physical checkup. The body of the deceased has been sent for a post-mortem examination and police have sealed the residence where the mother and daughter used to live.
The dead woman has been identified as Doel Basu, 32. Her mother Dipali Basu, who had been staying with the daughter s body at their residence at Ranikuthi in south Kolkata, has been taken by the police to Calcutta Medical College & Hospital for mental and physical checkup.The
The dead woman has been identified as Doel Basu, 32. Her mother Dipali Basu, who had been staying with the daughter s body at their residence at Ranikuthi in south Kolkata, has been taken by the police to Calcutta Medical College & Hospital for mental and physical checkup.The
Dipali Basu, who had been staying with the daughter`s body at their residence at Ranikuthi in south Kolkata, has been taken by the police to Calcutta Medical College & Hospital for mental and physical checkup. The body of the deceased has been sent for a post-mortem examination and police have sealed the residence where the mother and daughter used to live.