A mom learned that she got pregnant while already pregnant, a rare phenomenon called superfetation. She and her doctors believe that the pregnancy is a miracle as she had three previous miscarriages, and one almost claimed her life.
A man from Utah searched for his biological mom for years but to no avail. Little did he know that she had been watching him on social media. The mom finally had the courage to reach out to him on his 20th birthday.
Leonie Fitzgerald shares her motherhood journey. After six years of trying, she was surprised to learn they were expecting triplets. Doctors put her in a medically-induced coma upon giving birth to her three babies.
A judge banned a sperm donor from contacting the 15 children he fathered as he did not disclose to their mothers that he has a rare genetic condition. The judge also ordered him to be named so other women won't use his services.