“We ve tried to keep it as simple as possible because they could be on this for two months or three months,” said Dr. Philip.
If someone in a household gets COVID-19, the other household members are considered high risk and the regimen changes. It still includes a baby aspirin and a multivitamin, but the dose of vitamin D is doubled to 2000 IU, and a dose of 2-5mg of melatonin should also be added at bedtime.
“Every month, there s been more and more data showing the benefit of both of these things,” Dr. Philip said.
Dr. Philip says even people who have been previously diagnosed with coronavirus should consider the therapy, with new variants of the virus being discovered.
Sanda Vujnic admits the last several weeks have been hard. “I think in the beginning we were quite frightened, just like anyone else,” Vujnic said. Vujnic and her husband, Bartosz Buchcic, are both pulmonary critical care specialists at Northwestern Medicine’s Delnor and Central DuPage Hospitals. The couple met during training at Loyola University Medical Center in 2012, got married in… coronavirus Mar 4, 2020
Some employees of the City of Chicago complain they have received almost no information about how to best safeguard against the spread of the coronavirus infection. A spokesman for the mayor’s office conceded she could provide no citywide communiques or emails about virus prevention that might have been sent out to city workers. She directed NBC 5 to a website,…