raids, breaking up caravans, and setting up roadblocks around common routes north. house democrats are set to vote on the bill today that would reportedly provide a pathway to citizenship for some 2.5 million illegal immigrants living in the united states. most of them, doctorate recipients. joining me now, the acting director of immigration and customs enforcement, or ice, mark morgan. where the men the president has picked for that job. tell me the latest from your perspective in terms of what we are dealing with. first of all, harris, if i could address what congress is trying to do right now, i am beyond frustrated. we have been pleading with congress to act with meaningful legislation that will end this crisis. they need to address the floor settlement agreement ntp pra, which is catch and release. if they enact that legislation, we will fix 85% of this problem. but they decide not to pass meaningful legislation, instead going to amnesty. that will not do anything to
earnestly believe that right-wingers are going to come here and attack them, are going to deport them, reveal their immigration status, et cetera. there might be violence, but won t be against liberal students, it won t be against doctorate recipients, it ll be be against conservative students. the university has been forced to cancel conservative speeches in the past due to security concerns following violent protests from liberal groups like this one. you re looking at video of that event back in february. i m always amazed, jessica, by this idea that somehow the university which is supposed to really be a conduit, a diversity of thought and ideas, there is a total intolerance for anything that doesn t fit into their little box of what they think is right. jessica: and a public university, which adds another layer to this. this is incident prior to that college where you make your decisions about who comes and goes in that way. and get federal funding.