The Kerala High Court on Friday allowed the bail plea moved by Dr. Ruvais, who had been accused of abetting the suicide of his girlfriend, Dr. Shahana. Dr. Shahana, who was a Postgraduate surgery.
The Kerala High Court on Wednesday orally noted that the only aspect in favour of Dr. Ruvais, who had been booked for abetting the suicide of his girlfriend, Dr. Shahana, was that he is a student. Dr..
A government post graduate doctor, who was arrested here for allegedly abetting the suicide of a woman colleague, had demanded one and a half kilos of gold and acres of land as dowry from her, according to police. Kerala Doctor Shahana Dies by Suicide Over Dowry Demand: Woman Medico Mentions Fiance’s Name, Role in Suicide Note, Says Remand Report.
HYDERABAD: The condition of Dharavathi Preethi (26) a Post Graduate (PG) first-year student from the Kakatiya Medical College (KMC) who attempted suicide in the MGM Hospital at Warangal on Wednesday, continues to be in critical condition. She is currently undergoing treatment after she suffered from multi-organ failure and was shifted to NIMS Hospital in the city for better