a best and final pay offer. strike action is now a real possibility. in england and wales, the effects of the latest disruption may last several days, with one union planning another strike next week. daniela relph, bbc news. joining me now is dr layla mccay, policy director at the nhs confederation, which represents health managers. thank you for your time today. it is pretty early in the day here in the uk. but is there any sign that hospitals are going to be busier than normal because of yesterday s strike? it than normal because of yesterday s strike? , . . , than normal because of yesterday s strike? ,. ., , , . strike? it is certainly expected that the disruptions strike? it is certainly expected that the disruptions of - strike? it is certainly expected l that the disruptions of yesterday will have impact into today and the rest of the week, in fact. that impact can be seen notjust in the emergency department, but also other places that people are accessing