The US Navy is unable to build enough new ships to replace the fleet it currently has The navy has about 470 ships in active service as well as the reserve fleet The principal vessels are the combat ships, which include 11 aircraft carriers, nine Amp
The US Navy is unable to build enough new ships to replace the fleet it currently has The navy has about 470 ships in active service as well as the reserve fleet The principal vessels are the combat ships, which include 11 aircraft carriers, nine Amp
The White House objects to several naval provisions in the Senate’s Fiscal Year 2023 policy bill that prevent cuts in fleet force structure, extend the San Antonio-class amphibious warship and set a minimum number of amphibious warships in the Navy’s fleet. The eight-page statement of administration policy from the Office of Management and Budget singles […]
Senate authorizers want to stop the Navy from retiring half the ships it planned to decommission next year, according to a summary of the bill. The Senate Armed Services Committee’s Fiscal Year 2023 defense authorization bill would halt the Navy’s plans to retire 12 ships, half of the 24 the service proposed decommissioning in its […]
I don t mean to be dramatic, said Navy CNO Adm. Mike Gilday, but I feel like if the Navy loses its head, if we go off course and we take our eyes off those things we need to focus on, I think we may not be able to recover in this century.
Paul McLeary on January 11, 2021 at 8:52 PM