policy councilth is not a promotion. it s not something someone woula normally do it is a step down. why would she do that you ve got to ask yourself. the reason it ministration from day one has been about nothing but their woke social agenda of the domestic policy that s all they really care about. that is with thikes administratn is going to try to make their legacy, bitinge is pushed in tt direction they don t care about, what is going on overseas, a financial security, any of thest other issues they don t carehe about a southern border they honestly don t care the day-to-day suffering of the american people as long as they can push thisos woke social agenda. this whole b equity, equity and the biden administration equals racism that s all it n is. it s not a quality it s it sev trying to makeer sure everyone t everybody people in certain racial groups have certain outcomes. that s not what this country isi about. that is literally alnkl they ta about. i think there is an agenda her