i think he is too dangerous, i don t think that we can just wait for him to expire from natural causes, but i think if you talk to people and ask them about security, our biggest concern is north korea and their nuclear proliferation and their ability to make things happen. dana: unlike when we were kids, the house on the corner that nobody wants to go by, they now have nuclear weapons. c so it has to be dealt with in some way, the email do guys earlier about iran wanting the nuclear weapons, there is a plot of iran trying to get it, how long are we willing to put up with it before we stop it. president obama tried his way. i don t think that was working, and now we have a situation which i think is more dire and more sinister, one of the things that secretary tillerson said is that it was unjust president, he did go as far as to say at the koreans are responsible for the murder of mr.. warmbier.