evidence naming the real killer never provided to the defense. he was released when this tragic mistake was uncovered. victor thomas wrongfully convicted of rape, kidnapping and robbery, served 16 years. dna tests proved he wasn t the rapist. eugene horton, wrongfully convicted of sexual assault, served 18 months, dna tests led to his conviction being overturned. larry: that was steven brody released from prison just friday, wrongfully conflicted of aggravated sexual assault of a child. steven is among the men watching craig watkins, the dallas county district attorney. and attorney barry scheck, craig was canes, dallas county
exonerate him. richard miles wrongfully convicted of murder and attempted murder. evidence naming the real killer never provided to the defense. he was released when this tragic mistake was uncovered. victor thomas wrongfully convicted of rape, kidnapping and robbery, served 16 years, dna tests proved he wasn t the rapist. eugene horton served 18 months, dna tests led to his conviction being overturned. we showed you steven brody a minute ago. can you see more of his history at cnn.com/larryking. still with us, the stars of conviction and some real-life heroes as well. actress hillary swanary swank, she plays in the film, and attorney barry shek. what led you to hold on to this, as opposed to other das who didn t? i was elected in 2006 and