Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman criticizes the DMK-led Tamil Nadu government for allegedly denying permission to broadcast Ayodhya events. Sitharaman highlights instances like the Thovalai Murugan Temple and shares a police order. Tamil Nadu BJP president K Annamalai exposes a recorded conversation implying oral instructions against temple activities. Sitharaman rejects the DMK s law and order justification, denouncing it as anti-Hindu. The state has around 200 Ram temples facing restrictions, leading to accusations of extreme anti-Sanathana Dharma measures. Annamalai asserts the temples don t belong to the ruling family.
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman accused the DMK regime in Tamil Nadu of banning live telecast of Ram Mandir events. Sitharaman condemned the DMK government for claiming law & order issues as a justification for the ban. She called it a false and fake narrative as there were no such issues on the day of the Ayodhya verdict.