The Tamil Nadu Police have arrested the son and daughter-in-law of the ruling DMK’s Pallavaram MLA, E. Karunanithi in a case related to the alleged physical assault and abuse of an 18-year-old Dalit domestic help. Pallavaram DMK MLA E. Karunanithi's Son, Daughter-in-Law Arrested for Torturing Dalit Domestic Help.
BJP’s Tamil Nadu president K Annamalai posted on X that the woman’s statement shows the arrogance of the DMK and called for speedy investigation | Latest News India
18-year-old Dalit domestic worker claimed that during her seven months of employment at the DMK MLA I Karunanithi son's residence, her employees had "physically assaulted" her "in whatever way they wished to."
The Income Tax (IT) department raids continued for the second day on Tuesday at the residence of Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) MLA MK Mohan in Anna Nagar, Chennai, in an alleged connection with the 'G Square' firm.