Shares of LondonMetric Property Plc (LON:LMP – Get Free Report) passed above its 200-day moving average during trading on Thursday . The stock has a 200-day moving average of GBX 181.97 ($2.33) and traded as high as GBX 187.50 ($2.40). LondonMetric Property shares last traded at GBX 185.60 ($2.38), with a volume of 1,693,778 shares. […]
LondonMetric Property Plc (LON:LMP – Free Report) insider Alistair Elliott bought 10,000 shares of the stock in a transaction that occurred on Monday, June 26th. The stock was acquired at an average price of GBX 159 ($2.02) per share, for a total transaction of £15,900 ($20,216.15). Alistair Elliott also recently made the following trade(s): On […]
Lumenpulse Inc. (TSE:LMP – Free Report) passed below its fifty day moving average during trading on Monday . The stock has a fifty day moving average of C$21.25 and traded as low as C$21.24. Lumenpulse shares last traded at C$21.25, with a volume of 43,400 shares traded. Lumenpulse Stock Down 0.1 % The business has […]
LondonMetric Property Plc (LON:LMP – Get Rating) declared a dividend on Wednesday, May 24th, Upcoming.Co.Uk reports. Stockholders of record on Thursday, June 1st will be given a dividend of GBX 2.60 ($0.03) per share on Wednesday, July 12th. This represents a dividend yield of 1.38%. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Thursday, June 1st. […]
LondonMetric Property Plc (LON:LMP – Get Rating) declared a dividend on Wednesday, May 24th, Upcoming.Co.Uk reports. Shareholders of record on Thursday, June 1st will be given a dividend of GBX 2.60 ($0.03) per share on Wednesday, July 12th. This represents a dividend yield of 1.38%. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Thursday, June 1st. […]