about the massive payday. watch. should city be paying out for bad behavior? not for vandalizing the community. commit the trial or pay consequences for it. that s not fair. paid to do that, really we were brought up you go to jail you do stuff like that good-bye that s it. we re going back in time i tell you in medieval times again. somebody is getting paid for you know, doing this dishonorable thing. encourage bad behavior? of course always people that s going to feel the entitle allowed to do wrong. encourage other people to do bad things and so city will pay for them. going to cost 6 to 8 million dlafers. that s just money we have in our pocket i guess. i m original new yorker i tell you this place go to going [bleep] and it is got to stop.
just unacceptable. they can see through this. it has anti-dig feature to it. anti-climb features, it makes it really, really difficult for the bad actors though are coming across the border and there are still many, many bad actors still trying to come across our border. griff: indeed. at the end of lafers week some of your agents were fired upon from the mexican side from the river bank. i wanted to talk to you a little bit about something that is coming. something that i thought as a reporter who has covered a lot of protests for this channel, whether it be opposing the iraq war or antifa and the like, but now there is a call for a border resistance in el paso. ground zero for all of this. i want to show you this poster we are seeing. it is called convergence on the border resistance convergence. starting at the beginning of september. you see there abolish ice. shut it down. are you concerned, chief, that this is not going to