Musical legend Tommy Cowan is humbled to have been the recipient of three awards at the Jamaica Independence Foundation People's Ball in Queens, New York, on August 5.
Cowan, who is the head .
The Iranian military does operate a large helicopter fleet, most of which it acquired before the 1979 revolution when Tehran was a close American ally.
The Near North Side neighborhood tavern Weeds has been a garden of cultural delights. It was a cornerstone of Chicago’s poetry scene. It was the site of historic Thursday night jazz sessions…Actor John Cusack tended bar and Jamie Lee Curtis once drank tequila there. And there was Weeds bartender-host Sergio Mayora.
Chicago’s Trax Records released some of the most influential records in house history, but decades later, many of the artists behind them are still waiting to be paid. Harold Heath investigates the long and complicated history of one of house music’s most infamous labels