Abhishek Bachchan began his birthday by shooting for his upcoming film Ghoomer. Taking to social media, Abhishek Bachchan announced his collaboration with R Balki for Ghoomer. Can’t ask for a better birthday present! Birthdays are best spent, working. घूमर Now spinning! the actor captioned.
Taking to social media, Abhishek Bachhcan announced his collaboration with R Balki for Ghoomer. Can’t ask for a better birthday present! Birthdays are best spent, working. घूमर Now spinning! the actor captioned the post.
Amitabh Bachchan is a perfectionist and doesn’t mind correcting even a fan for his/her errors. Recently, a fan appreciated Abhishek Bachchan in his recent film Bob Biswas and drew his cartoon in appreciation. In the cartoon, the fan mi.