Kerala Police said the bus was carrying pilgrims from Vijayawada when it met with an accident, following which, all the 44 pilgrims onboard were rescued and moved to hospital
As many as 44 pilgrims from Andhra Pradesh en route Sabrimala were injured on Saturday after the vehicle in which they were traveling in overturned in Laha village in Kerala s Pathanamthitta, state police said.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. As per the state police, the bus carrying pilgrims was going from Andhra Pradesh s Vijayawada to the holy pilgrim site of Sabrimala when it met with an accident near Laha in the Pathanamthitta district of Kerala. India News | Kerala: 44 Pilgrims Enroute Sabrimala from Andhra Injured in Road Mishap; 8-yr-old Boy in Serious Condition.
Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy instructed officials to provide medical aid to the pilgrims from Andhra Pradesh who were on their way to Sabarimala in a bus that met with an accident at Kerala s Pathanamthitta on Saturday.