Good afternoon, everyone. Im peter. I have the privilege of introducing our final speaker for today. The assistant attorney general of the United States who run it is National Security division and for the purpose of this conversation also importantly leads the China Initiative at the department of justice. He has kindly agreed to, were going to speak for probably about 25 minutes and then we will take some questions from the audience. So let me start sir with can you give us an overview of what the chinese have been doing and what youve been doing to counter it over the past since youve been in office . Great. Thanks very much. Thanks for the Homeland Security group for having me and for all of youse who are here watching on line or later on. Thanks for spending some time talking about these issues. On the china said let me say what a shift from the first time i was in the National Security division when we were doing all Counter Terrorism all the time to today where were really in th
Pres. Obama everybody have a seat. Hello everybody. Where you at . Its good to be back in the big easy. [applause] and this is the weather in august all the time, right . [laughter] as soon as i land in new orleans, the first thing i do is get hungry. [laughter] when i was here with the family pictures ago, i had some food at the parkway bakery. I still remember it, how good it was. Office,after i leave maybe i will finally hear a rebirth of the maple leaf on tuesday night. [laughter] i will get a chance to see the mardi gras, and tell me what carnival is for. But right now i just go to meetings. Michelle for the introduction, and more importantly for the great work she is doing, what she symbolizes, what she represents in terms of bouncing back. I want to acknowledge the great friend and someone who has worked tirelessly on behalf of the city. He is following a family legacy of service. Your mayor, Mitch Landrieu. [applause] his beautiful wife. Senator bill cassidy easier. Is here. Th
Thorough review and we agree with their recommendation as well. Thank you. I had one question. There was a section that budget Analyst Report highlighted which basically said that the requirement or part of the agreement also indemnifies the puc for costs that may result due to bawscas erroneous determination of the surge charge that the taxexempt bonds are taxable unless deemed taxable due to the pucs violation of the certificate. Im just trying to understand what that means. What that means is just like when we sell bonds were required to use the bond proceeds for eligible uses. So the tax certificate that is before you today says that the sfpuc will provide the best efforts to depend taxexempt proceeds on capital eligible spending which is why the spending plan on one of the slides specifically lays out how were using taxexempt bond proceeds. So we follow our best efforts and review those and the city spends the money consistently and the bawsca would members would indemnify us. See
Why dont we open up the item for Public Comment . Anyone wishes to speak to item 5s and 6 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Okay and so we have got a motion to separate budget analysts recommendation and the language as read into the record for item 6. We have that motion and do that without objection. On the two underlying items as amended, do we have a motion . Approve with recommendations. We have got a motion to send both of those items forward as amended to the full board with recommendation and well do that without objection. Thank you very much. Item no. 7, ordinance amending ordinance no. 16512 annual salary ordinance to reflect the addition of five positions in the office of treasurer and Tax Collector for the implementation of proposition e and the gross receipts tax. Would you call item no. 8 as w. Item no. 8, ordinance appropriating 1,566,145 from the general Fund Reserves so to the San Francisco department of treasurer Tax Collector for gross receipts tax implementa
Thank you very much for taking up these items. And i did want to, before i get into this presentation, thank the mayor and particularly the mayors Budget Office and controller and his economic team, as well as the City Attorneys office. President chiu, supervisor farrell and supervisor avalos. I would like to give a brief overviewhoun it changes things fort taxpayer and how the office of treasurer Tax Collector interacted with the public. The ordinance was passed on november 6th. And it does not apply to the 2013 or prior tax years. And just for your information, tax year is january 1 through december 31. And that affects our payroll expense tax, as well as the new grot gross receipts tax. We will be collecting register fees that affect the 1314 fiscal year. So if gets collected in advance. Payroll expense taxes are over a calendar year and they are filed in arrears, although we do make we ask that the taxpayers make quarterly payments. So the changes to the gross receipts tax and payr