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Is That Infrastructure? Biden Plans To Retrofit Not Just
Roads And Bridges. Astute readers of this newsletter
have almost assuredly heard the phrase that s infrastructure mentioned
by Biden administration officials as they press for inclusion of
things like broadband, child / elder care, and the electrical grid
in his Job s proposal. One of the more controversial proposals would allocate $10 Billion to
enforcement agencies to [p]rotect the health, safety, and
rights workers of color. This should not come as a surprise,
though, as President Biden has made clear from the outset that he
Monday, January 11, 2021
Among the many requirements in the new ETS, Cal OSHA imposed a performance-based obligation on employers to establish and implement an effective COVID-19 Prevention Program, COVID-19 preventive measures (e.g., social distancing and mandatory use of face coverings), and COVID-19 case management (e.g., investigation, recording, and reporting). In establishing these requirements, the ETS also published prescriptive written COVID-19 Prevention Program components and procedures for handling COVID-19 cases, as well as steps to regulate multiple infections and presumed outbreaks at the workplace that are already subject to substantial state and local health department requirements. Moreover, the ETS substantially departs from other health and safety regulations by compelling worker exclusion following a potential workplace exposure to COVID-19, mandating exclusion pay in limited circumstances, and that employees be provided COVID-19 testing. The ETS fur
At the end of 2020, California approved the Division of Occupational Safety & Health’s (“Cal OSHA”) COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard (“ETS”). Among the many.