California law limits number of hours per day week that underage employees may work, it depends on whether school is or isn't in session, limits on the time of day teens may work, California federal law limit the type of work teens may perform and in CA specific records required
As the temperatures rise, many employers, including those in the retail industry, may be fielding applications from minors looking for summer work. Before hiring applicants under the.
California high court declined to review the case Parsons v. Estenson Logistics, LLC,in which an employee had sought to pursue claims under PAGA alleging he was consistently paid two days late each week because his employer paid wages due on Saturday on the following Monday.
On March 29, 2023, the California Supreme Court put the final nail in the coffin of an employee’s claim that California Labor Code Section 204 requires employees to be paid on weekends..
As California Governor Gavin Newsom’s administration seeks to finalize the 2023-24 Governor’s Budget, the California Joint Legislative Audit Committee (the Committee) has moved to audit.