PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLAN REVISION The North Dakota Department of Commerce, Division of Community Services and North Dakota Housing Finance Agency seek public comment to revision of the North Dakota Citizen Participation Plan (CCP). The CCP sets forth the State of North Dakota’s policies and procedures for citizen participation in the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development’s consolidated planning process including development of the State’s Consolidated Plan, Annual Action Plan, and the allocation plans for the following programs: HOME Investment Partnerships, Community Development Block Grant, National Housing Trust Fund, and Emergency Solutions Grant. The objective of the CCP is to ensure that the citizens of North Dakota, particularly persons with low and moderate incomes, persons living in slum and blighted areas, and persons or units of local government with urgent housing needs, housing agencies, or other interested parties are prov
BISMARCK, N.D. (KFGO) - Legislators on both sides of the aisle sparred yesterday during an interim budget section hearing over authorizing federal fun.