it s after ministers were accused of using physical force on some conservative mps. an investigation has been launched. ukrainians are told to prepare for power cuts, after russian attacks on the country s energy infrastructure intensify. the full findings of the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse will be published later today, after a seven year investigation. welcome to viewers both in the uk and around the world. liz truss premiership is under even more pressure, after extraordinary scenes at westminster last night, during which ministers were accused of using physicalforce on conservative mps to make sure they voted with the government. the commons speaker has launched an investigation into what happened in the voting lobbies. we now have at least seven tory mps calling for the prime minister and equipped, so let s get an overview of the story so far. earlier today the transport secretary told the bbc the government is still functioning and that the prime minist
uncertainty and there are not a lot of palatable option set on a table for liz truss. for liz truss. earlier in the house of commons for liz truss. earlier in the house of commons the for liz truss. earlier in the house of commons the speaker - for liz truss. earlier in the house of commons the speaker cert - for liz truss. earlier in the house - of commons the speaker cert lindsay hoyle made a statement saying they would be an investigation into last night s behaviour in the voting lobby. i night s behaviour in the voting lobb . , ., night s behaviour in the voting lobb. , lobby. i wish to say something about the re orts lobby. i wish to say something about the reports of lobby. i wish to say something about the reports of behaviour lobby. i wish to say something about the reports of behaviour in lobby. i wish to say something about the reports of behaviour in the - the reports of behaviour in the division the reports of behaviour in the division lobbies the reports of b
earlier in the house of commons, sir lindsay hoyle made a statement saying there would be investigation into last night s behavior in the voting lobby. i wish to say something about the reports of behaviour in the division lobbies last night. i have asked the sergeant at arms and other senior officials to investigate the incident and report back to me. i will then update the house. i remind members that the behaviour code applies to them as well as to other members of our parliamentary community and this gives me another opportunity to talk about the kind of a house i want to see and i believe that the vast majority of mps also want to see. i want this to be a house in which we, while we might have very strong political disagreements, we treat each other courteously and with respect and we should show the same courtesy and respect to those who work work with and for us. to that end, i will be meeting with senior party representatives to seek an agreed position that