the distance between the founding and today. so sometimes i think what the left is doing is blaming america for a conquest ethic that is universal and to which america came up with the very innovative solution which is the idea of wealth creation. but, look, the point is that when we do comparative analyses, for instance, when we talk about slavery, when you talk about books as you make in your film the argument that there was indigent servitude and slaved their people, and not until america when christianity was involved was the sanctification of the process of slavery in relationship to divine intent made slavery such a heinous act. each though we have comparative analysis they weren t equally as savages as what happened in america and there weren t dehumanizing impacts that slavery has. even though there s truth to what you re saying, greater truth is there was much more in slavery than in other forms.
is problematic, but i don t think it to be a conversation between me and you, let me bring in the other guests who are here wanting to engage you. zerlina, when you look at what dineshd souza is doing here, what s your comparison of slavery and the way native american peoples and tribes are having the tribal differences versus what he says is universal. part of the problem here is we re trying to make the response to the black-white narrative fit in that narrative and you re missing all of this intersectional space. you had professor kimberly crenshaw earlier in the show. it doesn t belie the notion that slavery was this inherent evil, if you say well, plaque people owned slaves. something that maybe people do not know, but that doesn t necessarily diminish the progressive argument that it was one of the greatest evils and native americans and there were certain seks that also owned slaves and that s something most people don t know either. when you re trying to fit it
there need to be important qualifications. you ve seen the film so you know that i admit there was a racial dehumanization in american slavery that was, in fact, unique and yet even though there were exceptions, there were approximately, for example, 3500 black slave owners, free blacks in the american south who owned more than 10,000 black slaves? small percentage. that s a wrinkle that undermines the idea that slavery was purely a black and white issue, but for me the more important point isn t that, it s that slavery was a universal institution, but only one nation, america, fought a great war to end it. so anti-slavery, abolition, that s the unique achievement of the west and of america. of course, the alternative could have been america could resolve the issue without resorting to war. the argument could be made that the incredible and unique barbarism that accompanied american slavery occasioned the necessity for a war where other nations can say, look, we have to stop doin