Faces for radio I m going to also add to that that you also have one of the best voices for radio as well so we appreciate your brother Gary. Nor does there you. Bible trivia questions and answers of all this is a fascinating area that I ve always been into and it sounds like a lot of you are blessed by it as well these bible trivia questions and answers will really show you where you stand and knowing your Bibles from Genesis to Revelation of course if you read and study your Bible on a daily basis some of these questions you might remember very frequently if you don t study a Bible you re going to be Biblically illiterate regarding them and these unusual questions help us to discover new discoveries as well as new blessings but don t feel bad if you don t know some of them because this is a way that you can grow by knowing what you don t know we all are learning every day from the Word of God none of us know it all but God So get your pens and papers ready and start taking notes and
Shamed Dr Ford s testimony was praised by the Democrat Senator Kirsten Gillibrand the courage she s shown to testify in front of the world and relive some of the worst moments of her life is extraordinary Her testimony is incredibly heartfelt honest deliberative and effective I don t know how any of my Republican colleagues could after hearing her tell her story could possibly vote for breakout the foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt has warned Russia it will pay a high price if it continues to use chemical weapons following the Salzburg a nerve agent attack speaking at the U.N. In New York Mr Hunt said it had a tough meeting with Russian s foreign minister Sergei Lavrov he says he told him it was not acceptable for Moscow to direct the use of kept chemical weapons on British soil shows Britain Telford N.H.S. Trust has promised to work openly with an independent review of allegations of Paul maternity care Richard Stanton who lost his baby daughter Kate due to avoidable errors at the Trust
We are putting things they are putting things together. That we still don t have all this give you but I ll be 2 in the United States all former. And of and then we see April in the in the middle of this spring and summer I ll be through in the just a dramatic line manager there they are who are in that pool together so I don t have the stage now but I m here in the are and I have many concert. Having concerts he and some of the Lean going to the Agel in the north coast in the styles. Or I have many places and I m also. Doing a movie deal of of the single of the North curve of a mobile sub Ok. Yeah the name expect I ll see what out and we choose to call India and go but I m doing there are 2 popular rhythms I hope one day. Because she said McCord you know the no bull vulnerable side. Ordeal and we let them know everything has an accordion my inspiration was another pleased that he saw me using the using some one the live wire that has a lot of traditions in the popular religion and th
You are listening to melodies of prayer brought to you by praying friends on k g c a l p 106.9 f.m. To Manuel on USA melodies of prayer dot com wishing you God s richest blessings may his hand guide you on your journey today and may his face shine upon you and give you peace. Friday and warm Christian Greetings melodies after prayer is now heard on both f.m. One a 6.9 and on f.m. One a 7.9 Viet translator k. 300 a v i got Santa Rita. Now the days of prayer for your journey brought to you prayerfully with from praying friends in hue as in. Exodus 14 versa left because there were no graves in Egypt has found taken as a way to die in the water and wherefore hast thou tell us what us Exodus 14. There is a lesson of the great importance for us in the experience of the children of Israel as they let each. More than a 1000000 people had been led out of the right course as many of them fought into a valley hand in by mountains before them lay the Red Sea and behind them following fast after
in a church venice is just always beautiful we come here often montauk a lot and it s so colorful picturesque and vibrant the vasher it a little warm hearted at least in. the cannibal boasts a long but broken history it began one hundred years ago it was outlawed at the end of the eighteenth century after a long absence it returned in one thousand nine hundred seventy nine the celebrations are a chance to head n est to get their patching in before the most on the time of lent the flushing parades are among the commonest oldest traditions. booster ignition time of from my fifteenth year the fourteen centaury where divination decided to make the star a day to celebrate their lives but the one in the bottle of laugh until. it was quite different but anyway symbolic a way so we decided to see years ago to repurposing like