obamacare is divicive. democrats have been saying it needs to be fixed, but the question i pose is the texas ag is saying part of the issue is when it comes to preexisting conditions which are important to americans. they have strong broad support that the decision of whether or not insurance companies should have to cover them should be left up to the states. do you agree? if the republican party has taken a position that we would like to prohibit insurance companies from penalizing citizens for preexisting conditions or using a sort of age as a determining factor. we believe by engaging the marketplace by ripping down the barriers and adding more competition into the marketplace, you lower the particular premiums. bush introduced health savings accounts and obamacare eliminated that and catastrophic plans that would make the market
your base. a base of 30%. you can t govern with all these trump people saying he is going to win next time. the math to me gets pretty interesting. and how many republicans on the hill are praising him with all the comments so far. except one. steve king of iowa, hard line immigration hawk earlier this week he was criticizing the president saying that the open negotiation he held with democrats at the white house showed him moving from a hard line on immigration to illegals. now he is saying president trump hang in there amid criticism. there was one republican on the hill, but most of them, no. you mentioned mia love, a rising star, haitian american from utah spoke at donald trump s convention. she said this. the president s comments are unkind, divicive, elitist and fly in the face of the american values.
being questioned for other kinds of behavior. i think there is a lot of democrats who are not on board. it is a divicive issue. let s get back to you on the ground and how it is shifting. the president of course is just 25 miles away campaigning and he recorded a robo call. we talked to them and interviewed roy moore and denied the allegations and said he doesn t know the women. bill also said no outsider will have impact in alabama politics. do you agree with that assessment? i think that is used selectively. people use that resistance to outside agitators.
you can t play. then i think you have a shut down in the league and that would be unfortunate. hugely unfortunate if that happens. i hope it doesn t get to that. i have to make another comment. the president s comments are divicive in the way he attacked it. i expect the president to stand up and say i would like for all the players in the nfl to respect the flag and respect the national anthem. that s not a problem. it s the way this particular president happened to go about it in a divicive manner in which he attacked this thing. i think that s a problem. when you put that on the back of charlottesville, virginia. you can understand why african-american players are upset. i wish we had more time, but thank you for your time and candor. thank you so much. thank you. when we come back, how will players react to the rules and the league and the owners could
president trump made the sons of bitches comments. what do you make of the president s remarks and then did you ever think he would still be in the news weeks later with this? well, i think his comments are a bit divicive to put it mildly. the president of the united states ought to have a position on people not standing for the anthem. i understand that and that s fine. i think that the divisiveness of how he has gone about it and calling people names and other things probably is not helpful. i will tell you as a former owner and executive in the nba, it caught the owners by surprise. this is a big surprise to them. they had to deal with this. this got laid on their lap. when you look at jerry jones, you know how you decide who is a good owner and who is not, talk