you read the most recent twitter file, what s intriguing is that with democrats and you know this very well and certainly left wingers in general, they re very obsessed with the idea of diversity, but they don t ever want diversityth of thought. and i believe it was in prong seven of today s revelation, one of the individuals at twitte tr said that she, i believe, was chinese and she was troubled by the idea of censoring leaders. and if you look and read all of the revelations today, to their credit, macron in france on angela merkel inside of germany, many other leaders said when trump was banned by twitter, this is wrong.france and it doesn t make sense. and what s going on here is our government colluded our governmeh and big media. seannt is a coincidence. you think we re talking about this right now? you know who isn t abc , nbc, cbs, msnbc, cnn, the washington post , the new york times. ale l of those companies are conspiring not to cover this the because everything insidef