Award-winning author Raquel V. Reyes discusses the necessary growth happening in the publishing industry and offers 5 tips to bring your culture and heritage to your story with confidence.
On Writing Representation in Fiction
Author Sonya Lalli explains what it was like to write characters whose journeys mirror the author s and how other authors can let go of the burden of representation.
Feb 22, 2021
The first two books I attempted to write I didn’t bother finishing. Although I enjoyed working on the plots, I simply couldn’t relate to either protagonist and it caused me to lose interest in the creative process. I set the books aside. I haven’t looked at either manuscript in years.
About seven years ago, I started working on a manuscript that would later become my debut
Author Syed M. Masood shares how his latest novel, The Bad Muslim Discount, was inspired by the country s political climate and what works (and doesn t) for his no-outline writing style.