/PRNewswire/ The global hot tub covers market size is estimated to increase by USD 76.14 million from 2022 to 2027. The market s growth momentum will be.
As life expectancy increases for Indigenous populations, so does the number of older adults with complex, chronic health conditions and age-related geriatric syndromes. Many of these conditions are associated with modifiable lifestyle factors that, if addressed, may improve the health and wellbeing of Indigenous peoples as they age. If models of healthy ageing are to be promoted within health services, a clearer understanding of what ageing well means for Indigenous peoples is needed. Indigenous peoples hold a holistic worldview of health and ageing that likely differs from Western models. The aims of this review were to: investigate the literature that exists and where the gaps are, on ageing well for Indigenous peoples; assess the quality of the existing literature on Indigenous ageing; identify the domains of ageing well for Indigenous peoples; and identify the enablers and barriers to ageing well for Indigenous peoples. A systematic search of online databases, book chapters, grey l