Generate from this facility we just signed a fooive year least with the port for pier 19. These are critical for our operations. There is a welding shop, machine shop, storage for spare parts and equipment need today make repairs there are two docks where both can be excused while repairses are made or to lay up while they are not in operation and blue and gold is expected to pay the port one 55,000 in rent in 20 if we will 20 20 12 for our pier nine facility. While ala media and oakland services use gate e. Blue and gold operates ferries from value layer row and allay media to at t partial and this service has been incredible pap more he especially this year with the giants success. In january blue and gold was awarded the water Transportation Authority contract under this contract we operate ferries to value layer row and ala media and so fraction and we work with the w ta to not only bring terminals to the Ferry Building but passengers to pier 41. This is a huge opportunity for blue
The second floor toward the em bark dare row [spelling . ] and this is making it a great effect space. Again, heres another view looking east towards the bay principal and finally another view north towards Telegraph Hill. This is one of the last thing things that we will create on the site is the top p of San Francisco site and it will be prominent on our facility. So, this will be the view from Telegraph Hill of the building complete in phase one and residence for turnover to the americas cup phase one construction of the building is 80 complete right now and is on schedule for hand over to the Americas Cup Authority on march 2013. Phase two, construction drawings are about 95 complete and will be completed shortly. And the port will start phase two construction of the project and its scheduled for about nine months with substantial completion august 1st 2014 and final completion two months later and this work will clue finishing the remaining ports and including United States custom
Aboard those ships speak to our Ferry Services, youre, our Ferry Services operate chiefly out of the downtown Ferry Terminal behind the Ferry Building. They also operate out of peer 39, and 41 in the north. The gate b number downtown Ferry Terminal is for the north bound lanes such as value lay hough and gate e is for ala immediate a eoakland and Island Services blue and gold fleet does the operation and is the maintenance of all of these vessels and they will be describing that activity to you in a moment here. In addition, to that, we also have the Ferry Landing at china basin and on average that is home game ain ten dance is dwayned to and from the ballpark by ferries. And with that, we would like again to bring forth, carolyn or began, she is the president of blue and gold fleet and they will shell be able to give us a better insight and explanation on how important the ferry and excursion services are to the port and bay of San Francisco. Commissioners and director moyer, good aft
Who work on the ships and currently, we are employing at least 220300 people a day full if i am and as the work increases the ewe often see those head counts go over to a thousand people a day and Recreational Boat something something that we are looking forward to an increase in demand particularly as we successfully sail through our species experiences with americas in the next years or so. The foundation of the maritime business is the services that attract boats and ships and keeps us going in business. But commuter ferries and excursions are really kind of the core business of the ports maritime sector. If you take a look at it. We average, we carry on average 3. 2 million ferry passengers annually these are commuter passengers moving between home and work expense and is we transport over 3 million excursion passengers annual low people looking at sites alcatraz and golden gate bridge. And then we see International Cruise ships that alleged violentors to and from the port and crew
Between home and work expense and is we transport over 3 million excursion passengers annual low people looking at sites alcatraz and golden gate bridge. And then we see International Cruise ships that alleged violentors to and from the port and crews members aboard those ships speak to our Ferry Services, youre, our Ferry Services operate chiefly out of the downtown Ferry Terminal behind the Ferry Building. They also operate out of peer 39, and 41 in the north. The gate b number downtown Ferry Terminal is for the north bound lanes such as value lay hough and gate e is for ala immediate a eoakland and Island Services blue and gold fleet does the operation and is the maintenance of all of these vessels and they will be describing that activity to you in a moment here. In addition, to that, we also have the Ferry Landing at china basin and on average that is home game ain ten dance is dwayned to and from the ballpark by ferries. And with that, we would like again to bring forth, carolyn