and what i am going to do between the next eight months is to focus on the issues that matter to the people who live here in the district w. that said, i have been somebody who has been talking about generational change in washington, and that is includes democratic leadership and republican leadership. by been calling out my opponent for being in washington for 15 years, and he is a washington insider, and he represents everything that is wrong in washington. somebody who takes money from the special interest groups and the most wealthiest corporations on the planet, and i have taken a pledge not the take corporate money or from the pacs or anything like that, and that is a message that i believe people want to have their members of congress explored, and so i really think that the issue here that we should be talking about is what the congressman has done for the district here. well, to that end, he is very close with the president, ands a result that is going to give him the oppor