Two Michichi residents face multiple charges in relation to a search of a property that yielded, among other things, a number of stolen items belonging to the City of Calgary, in addition to a vehicle search that produced quantities of methamphetamine and an imitation handgun.
(Screenshot: Lightcatch/YouTube)
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Starting this week, sharing crime in action is easier in the County of Grande Prairie. As part of Crime Prevention Week, The Beaverlodge District Rural Crime Watch is launching their Lightcatch Mobile Application pilot project.
Funded by the County of Grande Prairie, the 12-month pilot project is expected to help reduce rural crime rates and increase community safety by providing a free app that County residents can use to alert others about crime.
‘We know that rural crime is an issue and are thrilled to launch this pilot project today,” said Leanne Van Wagner, President, Beaverlodge District Rural Crime Watch. “This tool is available to all residents in the County of Grande Prairie so we can collectively increase safety in our community and reduce crime rates.”