By Steve Knupp
May 13, 2021
The George Washington and Jefferson National Forests are committed to maximizing public services during the COVID-19 pandemic while ensuring the safety and well-being of employees, partners and volunteers.
“We strive to provide quality public service while keeping our employees safe. Although our offices are not allowing visitors, we are serving the public over the phone, via email and through postal mail to answer questions and fulfill their administrative requests,” says District Ranger Mary Yonce.
The public can still purchase firewood permits. A firewood permit allows the holder to gather up to six cords of down and dead wood on the George Washington and Jefferson National Forests so long as the wood gathered is for personal use only (i.e., it cannot be sold to others). Permits cost $20 and are good for one year from date of issue and currently may be purchased by calling the Lee or North River Ranger District offices and leaving a message wit