GRAHN Carter County community members participated in a public forum on Monday night to voice input on the future design, amenities and programs of a centrally located high school.
GRAHN Carter County community members participated in a public forum on Monday night to voice input on the future design, amenities and programs of a centrally located high school.
BY KATELYN NORRIS The Bardstown City School Board met for the last time this year, ending the first half of the school year closing out one construction project and phasing in other new projects. The board also made its first steps in changing the District Facility Plan.
Christian County school board members approved the amended 2021 District Facility Plan to include the possibility of consolidating the two high schools and Gateway Academy in the future.
Assistant Superintendent of Operations Josh Hunt presented an update regarding a change to the District Facility Plan. He said after the High School Steering Committee studied the options of consolidation or a two-school approach, they conducted a straw poll with a large majority of the members voting in favor of consolidation. After the vote, he said they began to refocus their efforts on the District Facility Plan and started to talking to architects and others, who recommended including the consolidation of the high schools in the district’s facility plan.