An Edgartown woman who lost a handgun has been charged with failure to report the loss of that gun and also threatening to commit a crime. Edgartown District Court Clerk-Magistrate Liza Williamson found that facts derived from a Feb. 9 hearing supported sustaining those two charges. The owner of the gun, Catherine Tobin, 65, previously […]
The Martha s Vineyard Times
County authorizes $50,000 for courthouse repairs
Boiler failed, forcing courts to close for at least the week.
The boiler inside the county courthouse has failed and requires emergency replacement. -Rich Saltzberg
County officials approved spending up to $50,000 to get a new boiler installed in the Dukes County Courthouse at an emergency meeting Tuesday night of the Dukes County Commission and the County Advisory Board.
The decision comes a day after the Edgartown courthouse was closed for court business because the building’s boiler was found “cracked and leaking” on Saturday, county commission chair Christine Todd told The Times.