GRDM faces many challenges in 2021 According to Booysen the council faces many challenges this year, with a lot of projects that need to be rolled out. Journalist Friday, 22 January 2021, 15:07 FN Mdumiso (right) ANC-councillar with GRDM Manager for Integrated Support Services and Legal Compliance, adv. Sinekaya Maqekeni (left), during her inauguration at the first GRDM Council meeting of 2021.
GARDEN ROUTE DISTRICT NEWS - Two new councillors, FN Mdumiso (ANC) and RD Ruiters (Icosa), were sworn in as councillors of the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) this morning, 22 January, during a council meeting.
Mdumiso is replacing P Mapitiza, who passed away in December last year, and Ruiters is replacing Joslyn Johnson as representative of the Kannaland Municipal Council on the district council. The inauguration of Ruiters took place virtually via zoom.